Session 1

14 mins 30 seconds


1 minute on - 30 seconds off

2 sets, no rest between sets


1) steps

2)  2 steps lunge

3) balestra forward 2 steps back

4) 4 steps, changing direction with half steps

5) balestra 2 steps balestra 2 steps balestra lunge


work / rest ratio = 2.22        work = 10 minutes









Session 2

14 mins 30 seconds


1 minute on - 30 seconds off

2 sets, no rest between sets


1) steps, 2 forward, 2 back

2)  jog forward, steps back

3) balestra step lunge

4) jump back, step balestra jump/fleche

5) balestra 2 steps


work / rest ratio = 2.22        work = 10 minutes









Session 3

14 mins 30 seconds


1 minute on - 30 seconds off

2 sets, no rest between sets


1) 2 steps forward, jump back

2)  2 steps back, balestra step lunge

3) half step forward, 2 steps back, step lunge

4) 2 steps jump/fleche

5) step forward balestra 2 steps back


work / rest ratio = 2.22        work = 10 minutes










Session 4

14 mins 30 seconds


1 minute on - 30 seconds off

2 sets, no rest between sets


1) step lunge

2)  2 steps back

3) 2 steps back, lunge

4) balestra step lunge

5) 1 ½ steps forward 1 long step back


work / rest ratio = 2.22        work = 10 minutes










Session 5

36 minutes 30 seconds


SABRE 1 minute 30 seconds on - 1 min off


1)         2 steps direct; head flank or chest

2)         1 step back with parry

3)         step lunge direct

4)         2 steps back with 1 parry riposte

5)         step lunge with compound attack 1 feint

6)         stepping back, prep then parry riposte

7)         3 steps forward 1 back step lunge compound 2 feints

8)         4 steps back 2 parries on 2 of the steps

9)         step lunge direct redouble recover parry riposte

10)             2 steps back parry & compound riposte

11)       2 steps lunge direct redouble recover step back then parry riposte

12)       stepping back, prep with front foot stop-cut & big step back

13)       step balestra lunge compound redouble recover parry riposte compound lunge

14)       stepping back, prep with front foot stop-cut parry riposte compound lunge

15)       balestra 2 steps balestra lunge compound redouble recover parry riposte compound step lunge 2 feints


work / rest ratio = 1.61  work = 22 minutes 30 seconds

Session 6

36 minutes 30 seconds


FOIL 1 minute 30 seconds on - 1 min off


1)         2 steps attack

2)         1 step back with parry

3)         step lunge simple

4)         2 steps back with parry riposte

5)         step lunge with engage indirect

6)         stepping back, feint then parry riposte

7)         3 steps forward 1 back with parry, step lunge compound

8)         2 steps back parry riposte, 2 steps back parry riposte lunge

9)         step lunge simple, parry riposte on lunge

10)             2 steps back parry & compound riposte fleche

11)       2 steps lunge compound, renew with reprise

12)       stepping back with line, stop & cut distance

13)       step & engage, step lunge compound, recover step back with parry, compound fleche

14)       stepping back, feint stop-hit step parry riposte compound with step lunge

15)       3 steps back, lunge recover, 3 steps back, fleche


work / rest ratio = 1.61  work = 22 minutes 30 seconds

Session 8

23 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

3 sets, no rest between sets


1) steps

2) step lunge

3) any footwork

4)  balestra 2 steps lunge recover step back


work / rest ratio = 1.09        work = 12 minutes











Session 9

23 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

3 sets, no rest between sets


1) 3 steps forward, 3 steps back

2) 2 steps lunge

3) balestra 3 steps back

4)  step lunge, reprise, 2 steps back


work / rest ratio = 1.09        work = 12 minutes











Session 10

23 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

3 sets, no rest between sets


1) 2 steps back

2) 2 steps forward

3) step lunge

4)  jump back, jump/fleche


work / rest ratio = 1.09        work = 12 minutes











Session 11

20 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

2 sets, 2 minutes between sets


1) steps, full length

2) balestra 2 steps continuous

3) 1 step lunge back, 2 steps lunge back, etc

4) full length, forward 3 steps balestra lunge, back 2 steps at a time

5) balestra 2 long steps lunge


work / rest ratio = 1       work = 10 minutes









Session 12

20 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

2 sets, 2 minutes between sets


1) step forward, jump back

2) 2 steps lunge

3) bounce forward & back on each leg

4) half step forward, 2 steps back

5) balestra 2 long steps back


work / rest ratio = 1       work = 10 minutes










Session 13

20 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

2 sets, 2 minutes between sets


1) 2 steps, full length

2) step lunge

3) 1 step forward, 3 steps back

4) step balestra jump/fleche

5) 3 steps forward, jump back, 2 steps lunge


work / rest ratio = 1       work = 10 minutes










Session 14

45 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 3 minutes between sets


1) 2 steps with simple attack

2) prep. 2 steps back parry riposte

3) half step feint head 2 long steps back

4) half step feint head, flank-chest back foot lunge

5) half step feint head, stop-cut 2 steps back parry riposte

6) balestra step feint head, 2 steps back, step balestra lunge

7) step balestra lunge compound, recover 3 steps back, balestra 3 steps balestra lunge compound


work / rest ratio = 0.88        work = 21 minutes



Session 15

33 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 3 minutes between sets


1) steps

2) 2 steps lunge

3) balestra forward 2 steps back

4) 4 steps , changing direction with half steps

5) balestra 2 steps balestra 2 steps balestra lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.83        work = 15 minutes









Session 16

33 minutes


1 minute on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 3 minutes between sets


1) 2 steps forward, 2 steps back

2) balestra 2 steps lunge

3) 1½ steps forward, 2 steps back

4) 1½ steps forward, 2 steps back, balestra step lunge

5) 2 steps balestra 2 steps lunge reprise


work / rest ratio = 0.83        work = 15 minutes









Session 17

17 minutes 10 seconds


5 seconds on - 5 seconds off, 10 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 20 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 10 on - 5 off, 5 on - 5 off

2 minutes between exercises


1) steps, full length

2) balestra 2 steps continuous

3) 1 step lunge back, 2 steps lunge back, etc

4) full length, forward 3 steps balestra lunge, back 2 steps at a time

5) balestra 2 long steps lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.63  work = 6 minutes 40 seconds







Session 18

17 minutes 10 seconds


5 seconds on - 5 seconds off, 10 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 20 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 10 on - 5 off, 5 on - 5 off

2 minutes between exercises


1) 1½ steps forward, 2 steps back

2) balestra step lunge

3) step lunge reprise

4) step balestra jump/fleche

5) balestra 2 steps back


work / rest ratio = 0.63  work = 6 minutes 40 seconds








Session 19

17 minutes 10 seconds


5 seconds on - 5 seconds off, 10 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 20 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 10 on - 5 off, 5 on - 5 off

2 minutes between exercises


1) steps

2)  2 steps lunge

3) balestra forward 2 steps back

4) 4 steps , changing direction with half steps

5) balestra 2 steps balestra 2 steps balestra lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.63  work = 6 minutes 40 seconds








Session 20

17 minutes 10 seconds


5 seconds on - 5 seconds off, 10 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 20 on - 5 off, 15 on - 5 off, 10 on - 5 off, 5 on - 5 off

2 minutes between exercises


1) 2 steps forward, 2 steps back

2)  2 steps forward, 2 steps back, step lunge

3) balestra forward, 2 long steps back, step lunge

4) jump back, balestra step lunge

5) step jump/fleche


work / rest ratio = 0.63  work = 6 minutes 40 seconds








Session 21

19 minutes


30 seconds on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 2 minutes rest between sets


1) steps

2) step lunge

3) any footwork

4)  balestra 2 steps lunge recover step back


work / rest ratio = 0.46        work = 6 minutes











Session 22

19 minutes


30 seconds on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 2 minutes rest between sets


1) ½ step forward, 2 steps back

2) balestra step lunge

3) step lunge recover, 2 steps back

4)  balestra 2 steps


work / rest ratio = 0.46        work = 6 minutes











Session 23

19 minutes


30 seconds on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 2 minutes rest between sets


1) guard position, hop forward on back foot

2) guard position, hop back on front foot

3) run, balestra lunge

4)  2 steps forward, jump back


work / rest ratio = 0.46        work = 6 minutes











Session 24

22 minutes 30 seconds


30 seconds on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 3 minutes between sets


1) steps, full length

2) balestra 2 steps continuous

3) 1 step lunge back, 2 steps lunge back, etc

4) full length, forward 3 steps balestra lunge, back 2 steps at a time

5) balestra 2 long steps lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.42  work = 7 minutes 30 seconds









Session 25

22 minutes 30 seconds


30 seconds on - 1 minute off

3 sets, 3 minutes between sets


1) 2 steps forward, 2 steps back

2) 2 steps forward, jump back

3) ½ step lunge forward, 2 steps back, step lunge

4) step balestra step lunge

5) balestra 2 steps back


work / rest ratio = 0.42  work = 7 minutes 30 seconds









Session 26

19 minutes


20 seconds on - 40 seconds off

3 sets, 2 minutes between sets


1) steps

2)  2 steps lunge

3) balestra forward 2 steps back

4) 4 steps, changing direction with half steps

5) balestra 2 steps balestra 2 steps balestra lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.42        work = 5 minutes









Session 27

19 minutes


20 seconds on - 40 seconds off

3 sets, 2 minutes between sets


1) step lunge

2)  2 steps back

3) 2 steps back, lunge

4) balestra step lunge

5) 1½ steps forward, 1 long step back


work / rest ratio = 0.42        work = 5 minutes










Session 28

27 minutes 30 seconds


30 seconds on, 1 minute off

3 sets 4 minutes between sets

(Footwork with elastic leg ties)


1) 4 steps forward, 4 steps back, wide feet small steps

2) lunge recover

3) run with wide feet

4) balestra, 2 steps back

5)  wide feet, bounce forward & back


work / rest ratio = 0.37  work = 7 minutes 30 seconds











Session 29

19 minutes


20 seconds on - 40 seconds off

3 sets, 3 minutes between sets


1) steps, full length

2) balestra 2 steps continuous

3) 1 step lunge back, 2 steps lunge back, etc

4) 3 steps balestra lunge, back 2 steps at a time

5) balestra 2 long steps lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.36        work = 5 minutes









Session 30

32 minutes


30 seconds on - 1 minute off

4 sets 4 minutes between sets


1) steps

2) step lunge

3) 1 step forward 3 steps back

4) 3 steps balestra lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.33        work = 8 minutes














Session 31

32 minutes


30 seconds on - 1 minute off

4 sets 4 minutes between sets


1) 2 steps forward, 2 steps back

2) balestra, 2 steps back

3) balestra 2 steps jump/fleche

4) 2 steps forward, jump back, 2 steps lunge


work / rest ratio = 0.33        work = 8 minutes














Session 32

14 minutes


10 seconds on - 20 seconds off

3 sets 3 minutes between sets


1) steps

2) step lunge

3) 1 step forward 3 steps back

4) 3 steps balestra lunge

5)  4 steps back lunge

6)  balestra 2 steps back


work / rest ratio = 0.27        work = 3 minutes









Session 33

26 minutes


1 minute between exercises

3 sets 5 minutes between sets

(Footwork with resistance bands)


1) 10 lunges

2) 20 twisting ankle hops

3) 10 step lunges

4) 10 star jumps

5)  5 balestra 3 steps lunges & back


work / rest ratio = 0.18        work = 4 minutes












Session 34

26 minutes


1 minute between exercises

3 sets 5 minutes between sets

(Footwork with resistance bands)


1) 2 steps forward, 2 steps back, 10 times

2) agility hexagon

3) 2 steps lunge, 10 times

4) 10 star jumps

5)  step jump, 10 times


work / rest ratio = 0.18        work = 4 minutes












Session 35

26 minutes


1 minute between exercises

3 sets 5 minutes between sets


1) 2 steps forward, 2 steps back, 20 times

2) 10 tuck jumps

3) steps lunge, recover, 2 long steps back, 10 times

4) 20 star jumps

5)  run, balestra step lunge, 10 times


work / rest ratio = 0.18        work = 4 minutes












Session 36

26 minutes


1 minute between exercises

3 sets 5 minutes between sets


1) 2 steps forward, jump back, 20 times

2) 20 star jumps

3) balestra step lunge, 10 times

4) 10 burpees

5)  balestra 2 steps back, 20 times


work / rest ratio = 0.18        work = 4 minutes