Dear fencer, parent, coach                                                                                                Tuesday, 06 October 2009


This letter contains the latest details for Gödöllő 17-18 October. Please read it carefully. Please also keep an eye on, that’s where I will announce any changes to this information document. You should log in & subscribe to the Godollo thread. If you don’t know how to do this ASK. Please, as usual, print out a copy of this information document just before you leave & bring it with you.


BA868 FRI16OCT      London Heathrow / Budapest          1405   1740

BA869 SUN18OCT     Budapest / London Heathrow          1855   2035


We will be travelling out on Friday 16th October from Heathrow terminal 5  leaving at 14:05, flight number BA868. Meet at the British Airways check-in desks by 11:30.  Please do not be late.


We will be returning on Sunday 18th October arriving at 20:35, flight number BA869 (flight leaves Budapest 18:55). Please make sure you are being met or you have arranged your transport home. When you do leave at the airport please make sure you tell me you are leaving or have been collected.


Luggage rules have changed very recently. So for this trip your bag must weigh less that 23kg & you can only check in one bag. Please make sure you have read the airline regulations on hand luggage at You may need to pay if your bag is overweight & this will be your responsibility.


We will be staying & eating at accommodation organised by the Hungarians in the University (the venue is at the university). For those travelling independently we will be at the sports hall on Friday evening, after that we will be at the accommodation, please plan where & when you will meet up with the main group.


I have produced a room list for the accommodation; let me know if any of you want to change it. Female officials are Lindsey Bell 07882 357017 & Lorraine Rose 07930 619639.


Those of you who have been before will remember you have to carry all your kit quite a long way over the course of the weekend, don’t bring anything you don’t need; a bag with wheels would help you (try & borrow one if you haven’t got one already).


The address of the venue is:-

St Stephen University, Pater Karoly street 1, Godollo H-2103.


You will need to bring:


·         Your passport

·         Your British Fencing (or equivalent) licence

·         Money (you will not need to pay for evening meals or lunches)

·         An EHIC card (apply at or call 0845 606 2030)

·         If you take any medication on the WADA list of banned substances (asthma inhalers are the most common full details at you will need to have a TUE certificate before you travel to this event. Please see the details at: Please make sure you have read the relevant information at

·         Your fencing kit (you will need FIE kit: 800N jacket, breeches, & plastron, 1600N mask, & S2000 blades. You should ideally have 3 sabres & 3 body wires. Your lame jacket, mask, overlay & body wires must be in good condition to pass the equipment control.) Talk to your coach if this is a problem.


Those of you who have been before will remember the usual chaos of the weapon control; to keep this to a minimum make sure your body wires are in good condition & all your kit is clearly labelled. Last year several fencers (again) forgot this instruction & some lost kit as a result.


The timetable will be: Friday evening – weapon control, Saturday - men’s individual & women’s team, Sunday - women’s individual & men’s team. The team events will involve everyone.


If you’re not staying with the main group you need to know the check-in times:-


Saturday 18th October         Men’s sabre individual       09:00

                                                Women’s sabre team         12:00


Sunday 19st October           Women’s sabre individual 08:00

                                                Men’s sabre team               09:00


Actual start times are I hour after check-in time.


Please remember you have signed an athlete agreement governing your behaviour over the whole weekend. Please reread it if you have forgotten what you have signed. If you have lost it please let me know & I’ll let you have another one.


The official coaches are there for your benefit, please don’t be afraid to ask for help, warm-up lessons, advice, etc at any time during the weekend.

Contact me (preferably by email) if you have any questions.    Neil Brown                    












































Gödöllő Cadet

17th – 18th October 2009

Congratulations to the following fencers who are travelling to Gödöllő as part of the National Under-17 squad.


Officials will be:- Neil Brown, David Kirby, Peter Wright, Lorraine Rose, Lindsey Bell. Referees Julian Roase & Gildas Braine.



Gödöllő Cadet

17th – 18th October 2009










Room list


Please look at the “Godollo replies & details” link on the cadet page at Please tell me if any of you want to make any changes.