
17th – 18th October 2009


DRAFT – please don’t return anything yet.


Please read all of this letter carefully, especially the athlete agreement & trip information from British Fencing. Please make sure you (& your parents) sign where necessary.


Please find with this letter the top 20 of the latest cadet rankings (world championship selection ranking list). The full lists can be found at www.sabrerankings.com. This letter is going out only to the top 20. As most of you will know Godollo is generally the strongest & most expensive event we go to each year so please make sure you discuss the planning of your season with your coach before replying.


This letter is your invitation to travel as part of the British squad to the cadet International event in Gödöllő (near Budapest, Hungary) on the 17th & 18th October. There are individual & team events. This event is open to fencers born 93-97 only.


The nominated cadet foreign events this year will be: Godollo, Meylan, Pisa, & Camden. As detailed on the cadet information page on www.fencingcoach.net only these events will count the international competitions score for cadet rankings.


 You can now download the 1-line reply spreadsheet here (see page 7), please complete & return this at once renaming the file as per the instructions on this page. All fencers must now complete, sign & post the permissions form to Neil Brown.


You should enter the U17 & U20 National Championships (3rd – 4th October), if you have not already done so there is an entry form in The Sword & on the British Fencing web site. Fencers born in 1997 or later can only enter the U17 event.


If you have not seen the list of selection events & the sabre-specific information on the cadet information page at www.fencingcoach.net you should read it as soon as you can. You & your parents should also have read the “information for fencers & parents” document on the same page.


If you haven’t found it yet you should read www.fencingforum.com which has information & discussion on issues which often affect you. Please check & subscribe to the Godollo thread.


The arrangements for travel are as follows:-

TBC but likely to be  

Out on Friday 16th October from Heathrow on BA 868 at 14:00

Back Monday 19th October at 10:05 (BA 865 leaving Budapest at 08:25)

Full travel details, meeting point & accommodation details will be published nearer the time.


If any parents or coaches are planning to travel please let me know. It is generally a good idea for the fencers to get used to travelling & staying independently & to be part of the National squad. These trips should not be a holiday for fencers, the aim is to get the best possible results in the events & to gain experience for future years & trips. This doesn’t mean they’re not fun of course.


There is always an invitation for the coach of any invited fencer to accompany the national squad trips to international events. This will be at his or her own expense & they must accept my authority at all times. Any adult accompanying one of the trips, i.e. travelling with the fencers & staying in the same place, must have CRB clearance from British Fencing or a suitable authority, e.g. a school. If you have non-British Fencing CRB clearance you must send me a copy of your certificate & apply for a British Fencing one.


You will need FIE equipment for this event, 800N jacket, breeches, plastron, 1600N mask, S2000 blades. Your lame jacket, overlay, & mask must be in good condition to pass the weapon control. (If you do not understand any of this paragraph ask your coach, do not ignore it & hope no-one will notice.) Do not assume you will be able to buy equipment at the competition although there has been a PBT stand at the event every year. All your kit must be clearly marked.


There is no requirement to have your name on your jacket or National colours on your breeches. You do not need an FIE licence for this event but you should have your British Fencing licence with you.


If you would like to go please fill in the form below & return it to me as soon as possible with a cheque for £ payable to “British Fencing”. This cheque will cover flights, transport in Hungary, entry fees, accommodation, & all food; it will not cover transport to & from the airport, this is each individual’s responsibility. The only Hungarian money you will need is for equipment or shopping at the airport (you can use Euros for both of these). A breakdown of the costs is below & on the replies spreadsheet. You must commit (or tell me your travel plans) to using the flights & accommodation by 7th September. Please check the spreadsheet to make sure I have the correct information.


It is very important that you send your money in on time. Over the past few seasons some you have not managed to stick to the deadline.


British cadet sabre squad – Gödöllő October 09


Cost details:-




Hotel & food




Entry fees


Officials costs





Any fencers’ coaches who want to accompany the trip & would like me to include them in the travel arrangements will need to send a cheque for £. Any fencers who are making their own travel arrangements should send me the total for entry, hotel & food, & officials costs.


Please contact me (preferably by email) if you have any questions.






Return before the7th September


I would like to go to Gödöllő on the 17th October weekend & enclose a cheque for £____ payable to “British Fencing”.


British_Fencing_logoBritish Fencing

Cadet Sabre Squad

Code of Conduct & general information



Hand luggage

Please do not bring excessive amounts of luggage. All you should need is your kit bag and a small overnight bag. Do not pack any tools, knives, scissors or pressurised containers, or, if flying, liquids in quantities greater than 100ml, in your hand luggage.

Please note. The baggage limit on our flights is 20 Kilograms. If your bags exceed this and excess is charged this is your responsibility.



You will need;

  • A passport (please check that it is current)
  • A European Health Insurance Card
  • BRITISH FENCING membership card
  • Full FIE kit

800N underplastron

800N Jacket

800N Breeches

1600N Mask (be sure your mask is in good condition).

Please note: Visor masks must have a visor dated within the last 2 years.

Minimum of 2 working weapons (preferably 3)

  • Other kit

Fencing Socks

Trainers (preferably fencing shoes)

2 Body wires (minimum)


Drink bottle



You should ensure that you have appropriate travel insurance & confirm this on the 1-line spreadsheet.



The adults accompanying this trip will be Neil Brown, Peter Wright, David Kirby, Lindsey Bell, Patricia Aiyenuro, Julian Rose, Jake Rowley. The Trip Leader will be Neil Brown


The cost of the trip will be £ per person. Please see above for a breakdown of the costs. You must send a cheque, made payable to ‘British Fencing’ for the full amount with your application.


Closing date

If you wish to take part in this trip I must receive your completed application and cheque no later than the morning of 28th August.


Contact numbers

My contact details are If you wish to contact me during the trip my mobile will be on the whole time.


Home contact

If for any reason you need to contact us during the trip and can not get through to my mobile please contact (Name).(Number). (A nominated contact person in the UK who has agreed to liaise with the Trip Leader for the duration of the trip.)



The foreign trips that we organise are not mini holidays. They are serious excursions to an elite level of competition. As such we expect fencers in the squad (regardless of age) to take the event seriously. We expect fencers to do everything in their power to get the best result possible. This includes getting a good night’s sleep before the event, eating and drinking sensibly in preparation for the event, presenting with all their kit in good working order, warming up sensibly before the event and again before each round as appropriate.


Fencers must remember that they represent Great Britain, as well as themselves, their Coach and their families. Unruly conduct is not acceptable.


As the FIE Rules for competitions say: by taking part in a competition, you pledge your honour to observe the regulations, obey orders, abide by the decisions of the Referees, be respectful and behave in an orderly, courteous and sporting manner.


Confrontations on the piste are always unpleasant. Remember that there is a proper procedure laid down in the rules in the event of a dispute with Referees or organisers. Remember as a member of British Fencing you agree to abide by all rules & regulations.


Attached are a code of conduct and a table of sanctions. Please read these thoroughly, sign the code of conduct, get your parents to counter sign it and return it along with your application for this trip.


Dope Testing

Dope testing may take place at competitions at home or abroad. Do not take any medicine in the fortnight leading up to a competition, without first checking that it is allowed. The Sports Council has produced a handy quick reference guide, the size of a credit card, which the British Fencing can supply if you send a stamped addressed envelope with your request. In any doubt refer to the British Fencing Medical Officer or the British Olympic Association; the list of prohibited drugs is being constantly updated and many GPs will not necessarily know which are banned substances. A full list of banned substances can be found on the WADA website. (www.wada-ama.org)



If you take any (permitted) medicines regularly, you must bring adequate supplies together with full written information from your doctor in case of any problems.



What do I do now?


If you wish to take part in the trip.


  1. If you wish to be part of this trip the first thing you must do is confirm this to me by email
  2. Your parent or guardian must complete the attached medical details and consent form and sign it.
  3. You must sign the attached ‘code of conduct’ sheet and get your parent/guardian to counter sign it.
  4. If your parents are not picking you up from the Meeting Point you must also get them to fill in the attached consent form allowing the organisers to release you into the care of another specified individual.
  5. Return to me, by first class post,

·         The medical details and consent form,

·         The code of conduct form,

·         If your parents have signed it the consumption of alcohol consent form,

·         A cheque for the cost of the trip

·         If required the consent form for being picked up from the airport.

  1. Obtain sufficient equipment of the appropriate standard.
  2. Get a European Health Insurance Card (if you don’t already have one.)
  3. Check your passport is current.
  4. Get your foreign currency
  5. Inform your local newspaper about your selection to fence abroad as part of the GB Squad.
  6. Fitness to fence. The Trip Leader must be sure that you are fit to fence. If you are injured or fall ill prior to departure, you must inform me (Neil Brown) immediately.
  7. Avoid taking any medicine in the fortnight leading up to a competition.
  8. If you are going to require (permitted) medication during the trip, obtain full written information from your doctor. Present this information to me (Neil Brown) when you first arrive at the Meeting Point together with any Therapeutic Use Exemption Form (TUE). You must then look after it for the weekend.


If you do not wish to take part in this trip.


  1. If you do not wish to fence in this event you must contact me by email immediately to let me know.



The above information about the trip and your preparation for the trip, I hope, gives you a good idea about what will be happening and what we expect of you before and during the trip.

It is all very serious, but none of this is to say that foreign trips are not, or will not be fun. They are an excellent opportunity to travel, meet people and experience life. They are always fun.


Please complete all the fields on the 1-line spreadsheet, this must be completed by all fencers & official coaches/officials, you can download this file here. Please complete all the relevant fields, rename the file as Godollo09info_Firstname_LASTNAME.xls (using your own name, so if you are Valentina Vezzali the file will be called   Godollo09info_Valentina_VEZZALI.xls), & send to me as an attachment at neil.brown@britishfencing.com. Use only one row for your data & don’t add any more columns.


Please note I need a signed copy of your agreement to abide by the code of conduct (relevant part of page 14) & you won’t be able to fence unless I have this. It needs to be back to me by28th August.



The form below shows the same information as you will need to complete on the 1-line spreadsheet & is for information only. You only need to complete the permissions page.



Personal Details & Permissions Form (for information only


Name of Fencer (as it appears on passport):      


Mobile phone number (fencer):      


Mobile phone number (parent):      


Passport number:                  Expiry Date:      


FIE License number:              British Fencing license number:       Expiry date:      


Date of birth:      


Home Address:      




Home phone number:      


Email address(es):      


Emergency contact name(s) & phone number(s) if parent/guardian cannot be contacted at above address:     



Name, address & phone number of fencer’s own doctor:      


Are you allergic to anything? e.g. aspirin, antibiotics, any particular food or drugs? If so give details:      



Do you suffer from any of the following: asthma, chest complaints, hay fever migraine, fits or faints, travel sickness, diabetes, coeliac disease or any other illness or disability? If so give details:      




Are you having any medical treatment at present? If so, please give written details of treatment and medicines, etc:      



Date of last anti-tetanus injection:      


Do you have any physical disability? Please give details of any special attention required:      



Please indicate any special food/dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, diabetic, other):      




Are there any activities in which you should not participate?      



Is there any other information (including cultural or religious) about which the staff should be aware?      




Anything else we should know, e.g. parents want to travel, medical or dietary needs not already described, etc:      



Are you covered by an annual travel insurance policy, which you have confirmed covers Fencing competitions        Yes         No   (please delete as applicable).



Main fencing club:      


Name of main coach:      


Coaches email & phone number(s):      





Is he/she planning to travel to Odense (there will be no funding from British Fencing for this). I need definite information as soon as possible, generally only a limited number of coaches will be able to get accreditation & coaches will need to be on the home country coaches register for this: Y / N


Name & address of school, college, university or employer:      



Name of head teacher (if at school):      


Name of School Sport Partnership (if applicable):      














British Fencing Code of Conduct

For fencers on all junior & cadet trips


The Code of Conduct lasts from point of entry onto the trip until point of exit from the trip.


As a member of British Fencing I agree that:


*         I will accept the authority of the designated Chef de Mission and their team of support staff and Officials and I will observe and comply with all reasonable directions of the Chef de Mission and any person appointed by British Fencing to the best of my ability and in the spirit of the sport.


*         I will conduct myself so that I obtain and maintain my best possible mental and physical fitness and health to perform to the best of my ability


*         I will treat others with the respect and fairness that I would like them to show me, including other athletes who are still competing when I have finished my event


*         I understand and agree to comply with the World Anti-Doping Code.


*         I will adhere to the alcohol ban that has been imposed for all cadet and junior trips and I will not be in possession of alcohol (irrespective of being offered alcohol by any member of the party)


*          I will behave at all times (on and off the piste) in a manner that will bring credit to British Fencing, my school, club, my coach and myself  as appropriate


*         I will respect the rooming policy that under 18s may not share a room with over 18s if at all possible


*         I will respect the differences between everyone in terms of age, gender, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs, sexual identity or disability


*         I will not behave in a manner that could prejudice or compromise the safety or welfare of other people or their property, good order and normal discipline


*         I will set a good example of effort, conduct and behaviour to other people on this trip


*         I will not smoke


*         I will adhere to the curfew that has been set and will not leave the accommodation without permission unless instructed for safety reasons














Please send this page to: Neil Brown, 41 Sally Hill, Portishead, BS20 7BH


For over 18s


·          I have read & understood this document & agree to take part in the competition under the terms described.

·          I accept the authority of all British Fencing  officials for this trip and will comply at all times by the code of conduct from point of entry to point of exit on the trip and understand that any breach of this code will have consequences. I agree that I will be responsible for any damages caused by me while on the trip

·          Fitness to compete: I confirm that I am in good health and injury-free and can therefore take a full and active part in this trip

·          I have read & understand the drug testing rules & have a TUE if appropriate

·          I agree to accept my place as part of the team and with that will be responsible for all payments due


Fencer’s signature:…………………………………………………………             Date:………………



For under 18s


·          I have read & understood this document & agree to take part in the competition under the terms described

·          I accept the authority of all British Fencing  officials for this trip and will comply at all times by the code of conduct from point of entry to point of exit on the trip and understand that any breach of this code will have consequences. I agree that I will be responsible for any damages caused by me while on the trip

·          I have read & understood the disciplinary code & sanctions


Fencer’s signature:…………………………………………………………             Date:………………


·          Fitness to compete: I confirm that the fencer is in good health and injury-free and can therefore take a full and active part in this trip

·          I wish my child to be allowed to take part in the journey specified above and having read the information provided, I agree to them taking part in any or all the activities described

·          I have read & understand the drug testing rules & noted the requirement to have a TUE if appropriate

·          I agree to accept the fencer’s place as part of the team and with that will be responsible for all payments due

·          I understand that British Fencing only assumes duty of care for my child named above from the time that he reports to the Chef de Mission or other specified official at the agreed point of entry for the trip and that British Fencing’s duty of care ends when the fencer is handed over to the parent/guardian/carer or at the agreed point of exit for this trip

·          I do/do not (delete as appropriate) wish to allow photos of my son/daughter to be published without my prior consent

·          Consent for collection after the trip by an individual other than the parent:-
I give consent for my child
                                                               to be handed into the care of                      at the end of the trip

·          Consent for independent travel after the trip:-
I give consent for my child
                                                               to leave the trip on their own using public or other means of transport & will not hold British Fencing responsible for any mishap that may occur after the point of exit from the trip

·          In loco parentis authority:-
I hereby give permission for the Chef de Mission or person nominated by him to give the immediate necessary authority on my behalf for any emergency medical or surgical intervention  recommended by competent medical authorities, where it would be otherwise contrary to my child’s interest, in the doctor’s medical opinion, for any delay to be incurred by seeking my personal consent and where the young person is incapable of giving informed consent themselves. This consent to act also applies for any drug testing and/or other situation where someone is required to act as a responsible adult in my stead


Parent/guardian/carer’s signature:………………………………. Date:………………………



Print name (parent/guardian/carer):…………………………………………………………......


For information:


In Loco Parentis  is being sought for all children / young adults under the age of 18 with the following limitations to use:-

1.     Family Law Reformed Act 1969 was the statute that brought the age of majority down from 21 to 18 AND allowed  a child / young person of at least 16 years of age to give informed (full knowledge of possible side effects) consent to surgical, dental and medical treatment (including anaesthetics) providing that they are deemed competent (not under the influence of drugs or alcohol)and conscious  The person who is ‘In Loco parentis’ can then give consent on behalf of the parent / carer

2.     Criminal consent – according to criminal matters in the UK (may vary from country to country) a child / young person who is held at a police station will require to be released into custody or questioned in the presence of a responsible adult if they are under the age of 17. ‘In loco parentis’ refers to being the responsible adult.

3      In Sport a child / young person is anyone under the age of 18 and hence it is

‘best practice’ for permission to be sought to allow an adult other than parent/guardian to act as chaperone when being drug tested


Name of fencer:      


I understand that, while the trip organizers will take all reasonable care of the children, they cannot necessarily be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury suffered by my son/daughter arising during or out of the trip. I accept all normal risks of participation in a fencing event and of travelling for that purpose.


I..................................................(Your name in BLOCK CAPITALS) give consent to the medical examination of my son/daughter/child of whom I am guardian when necessary, and for drug testing where required, whilst he is taking part In the trip, and I request that any operation or any other measures considered necessary, by a medical authority for his diagnosis and treatment shall be performed and I hereby give my permission for such operations or other measures to be carried out in an emergency only and for the administration of a general or local anaesthetic if necessary.



Signature..................................................................................   Date......................................................................











Godollo 17-19 October

Consent Form for collection after trip by an individual other than parent



I ................................................……(Your name in BLOCK CAPITALS) give consent for my son/daughters/child of whom I am guardian


………………………………….….(your sons/daughters/ child of whom I am guardian name in BLOCK CAPITALS) to be handed into the care of


……………………………………..(name of person over the age of 18 in BLOCK CAPITALS) after the event, at the agreed meeting place, in this case airport arrivals.



Signature....................................................................   Date.......................................


I confirm that I have explained the terms set out above to the fencer and I consent to the fencer taking part in the event and the journey to and from the venue on those terms.  I also give consent for any anti-doping tests necessary.


Signature of fencer's parent or guardian: ……………………………….       Date: ……………………………


Print Name:………………………………………………………………….







































Sanctions Table



First Occurrence

Second Occurrence

Third Occurrence


Disobedience not amounting to a loss of control (Code 1-6)

Warning letter to parents

Loss of points gained from the event

Ban for one or more subsequent trips or demand for a supervising adult (parent or teacher) to accompany the child at the offender’s expense

If points not involved, 3rd occurrence sanction may be applied for 2nd offence

Disobedience amounting to a loss of control affecting the safety or welfare of any member of the party or other person (Code 5)

Telephone warning to Parents

Note 1

Demand for parents to relieve the leader of responsibility for the offender by the fastest means at the offender’s expense

Ban for one or more subsequent trips

Occurrences may be during the same trip or period.

Sanction 2 is applicable by the trip leader in situ.

Bad behaviour on or off the piste

Warning letter to parents

Note 1

Loss of points gained from the event

Ban for one or more subsequent trips


Drinking or drink related offences (Code 6-8)

Warning letter to parents

Note 1

Loss of points gained from the event

Ban for one or more subsequent trips or demand for a supervising adult (parent or teacher) to accompany the child at the offender’s expense

If points not involved, 3rd occurrence sanction may be applied for 2nd offence

Smoking (Code 2 & 9)

Warning letter to parents

Warning letter to parents




This table of sanctions is only a guide. The sanction imposed will vary proportionally to the nature and severity of the offence. The staff on the trip retain the right to impose any penalty they see fit for an offence. Where the Trip Leader considers that a ban or loss of points may be the appropriate penalty he/she will forthwith submit a written report to the British Fencing Disciplinary Committee recommending the imposition of such penalty. If the British Fencing Disciplinary Committee finds that a penalty should be applied it may impose such penalty as it sees fit which may be more or less than severe than that which has been recommended.


Please also note.  The staff on this trip may refuse to be responsible for a given individual on future trip as a result of bad behaviour on this trip. In this case the individual would have to arrange (at their own expense) for a responsible adult to accompany that individual on that future trip.

Note 1 The staff on the trip retain the right to impose any penalty they see fit for an offence which in extreme case may include a fencer being sent home early from a trip at their own expense.









Prof. Neil M Brown

a 41 Sally Hill, Portishead, BS2- 7BH

t 01275 840075

t 07590 048692

f 08709 138564

e neil.brown@britishfencing.com

m 07813 693947


18th – 19st October 2008


Congratulations to the following fencers who have been invited to Gödöllő as part of the National Under-17 squad.




































































































































































































Neil Brown, Peter Wright, David Kirby, Peter Rome, TBC.