Junior & Cadet Sabre


The ranking & selection rules for 09-10 have now been confirmed by the International Committee of British Fencing. For latest information check: the cadet information page at www.fencingcoach.net , www.fencingforum.com & the International Committee page on www.britishfencing.com


Selection Dates:

European Cadet Championships 18th January 10

World Championships 15th February 10



European Cadet Championships are in Athens, Greece 1-7 March 10

World Junior & Cadet Championships are in Baku, Azerbaijan, 3-12 April 10










Men's Sabre

Women's Sabre













Selection date

10-11Oct 09



14 Sept 09

18-19 Oct 09





1 Aug 09

1-6 Nov 09

European Junior Championships

European Junior Championships

European Junior Championships

European Junior Championships

1 May 09

14-15 Nov 09



28 Sept 09

28 Nov 09



26 Oct 09

3 Jan 10



16 Nov 09

17 Jan10



16 Nov 09

17 Jan 10

Moneteau (U15)

Moneteau (U15)

16 Nov 09

18 Jan 10


European Champs Selection


European Champs Selection


23 Jan 10



7 Dec 09

6-7 Feb 10





1 Jan 10

13-14 Feb 10



4 Jan 10

15 Feb 10

World Champs Selection

World Champs Selection

World Champs Selection

World Champs Selection


21 Feb 10


Cadet European team training


Cadet European team training


1-7 Mar 10


European Cadet Championships


European Cadet Championships

18 Jan 10

21 Mar 10

Junior & Cadet World team training

Junior & Cadet World team training

Junior & Cadet World team training

Junior & Cadet World team training


3-12 Apr 10

 World Championships

World Championships

World Championships

World Championships














British Sabre



British Fencing are responsible for publishing the rules & policies for the ranking & selection systems used to select fencers for World & European Championships. Information can be found at www.britishfencing.com.


There are some additional rules & interpretations used for sabre. Details below.



Additional Rules & Interpretations for Sabre


Junior & cadet competitions


The sabre committee of British Fencing will oversee the running of a national circuit of 2 junior (U20) competitions. For season 09-10 these will be in Gateshead & Brentwood


Sabre Points system


See the British Fencing web site for details of the points system rules.


Junior (U20)


Selection for International events

Selection will be based on the junior rankings as at the published selection dates for the 5 nominated junior World Cup events



Cadet (U17)


Cadet have 2 ranking lists:-

British team selection rankings

Development rankings


Cadet Development Ranking list rules

This season, 09-10, there will again be 2 ranking lists. The development ranking list used for selecting fencers for international events & for seeding age group competitions will use all domestic events & the nominated international events. This season 09-10 it will include points from the U15 event in Moneteau. This general ranking will be a rolling ranking using the previous 12 months results.


Senior domestic events are scored on the same scale as for senior rankings but there is an additional multiplier of 3.


Cadets will only count nominated cadet competitions for their International results. Cadet events have a NIF score set by the weapon captain.


The U17 Championships (& all U17 events where there is no younger event) will have a NIF score based on the adjusted top 50 of last season’s final U17 ranking (the adjustment being fencers who have gone out of the age group will be removed from the count of the top 50.) The NIFs will be 6 & 3 & 1 as for seniors. The minimum NIF for the British national championships & the Manchester cadet event will be 75.


The U20 Championships (& any other U20 competitions) will have a NIF score based on the adjusted top 50 of last season’s final U20 ranking (the adjustment being fencers who have gone out of the age group will be removed from the count of the top 50.) The NIFs will be 6 & 3 & 1 as for seniors. There will be an additional multiplier of 2. The minimum NIF for the BSC events will be 75.


Cadets will also be able to count age group events such as British Youth Championships & Leon Paul series events towards the development rankings. The system for grading these events is outlined below:-


British Youth Championships & other competitions with an U18 event: The NIF scores will be based on the adjusted top 50 of last season’s final U17 & U20 ranking (the adjustment being fencers who have gone out of the age group will be removed from the count of the top 50) & the final U17 ranking from the previous season. The NIFs will be 6 & 3 & 1 as for seniors.

The U18 event will use both U17 rankings & the U20 rankings as outlined above, fencers will be given the higher NIF score if they appear on more than one ranking list.

The U16 & U14 events will use the U17 ranking only.


Age group events in the 1st calendar year of the season: Each event (U17, U15, U13, U11) will be counted & scored separately. These events will have a NIF score based on the adjusted top 50 of last season’s final U17 ranking (the adjustment being fencers who have gone out of the age group will be removed from the count of the top 50.) Fencers will also be counted as NIFs on the final U17 ranking. If a fencer appears on both they will be given the higher of the 2 NIF scores. The NIFs will be 6 & 3 & 1 as for seniors.


Leon Paul series in the 2nd calendar year of the season: Each event (U17, U15, U13, U11) will be counted & scored separately. These events will have a NIF score based on the adjusted top 50 of last season’s final U17 ranking (the adjustment being fencers who have gone out of the age group will be removed from the count of the top 50.) The NIFs will be 6 & 3 & 1 as for seniors.


For all the systems described above the British Team Selection rankings will be used for calculating NIFs.


Selection for International events

For most cadet events the invited fencers will be the top 20 on the on the development cadet ranking list or the British Team selection cadet ranking list as at the selection date for each event (Godollo will only use the selection ranking). For Moneteau the top 30 U15s on the development ranking list will be selected. Fencers must check www.fencingforum.com or the cadet page on www.fencingcoach.net for the invitation lists.